The Dream L&D Team: The 8 skills that all modern learning teams need

Most internal learning teams are made up of the following folk; people with an education / instructional design background, subject matter experts, and administrators.

Go behind the scenes of the teams creating compelling learning experiences outside of work and you’ll find a rather different, and more varied group of professionals. This is one of the (several) reasons I believe a gap continues to exist between the learning experiences outside and inside workplaces.

This booklet contains eight skillsets that most internal learning teams should consider in their team makeup. It also gives a few ideas on how to buy, borrow, or build them.

As we’re firmly living the future of work, these skills don’t mean you need eight new, full time team members (aka ‘buying’ these skills). Working with a handful of trusted freelance providers on a project or retainer basis is an excellent way to borrow talent to scale your team towards new possibilities.

Arguably the most important skill for a learning team is learning itself, so building some (or all) of these skills internally could provide interesting development opportunities for your existing team members.

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